
  • module
steal.steal-clone {function()}  

Steal-clone is a module that allows you to clone Steal's loader and provide module definitions that will be used when doing dynamic imports.



  1. moduleOverrides {Object}

    Module identifiers and definitions used to override modules of the same name. These definitions will be used when importing parent modules using the import statement of the returned loader.



The cloned loader.


If you have moduleA defined as:

import moduleB from 'moduleB';

export default function() {
  return 'moduleA ' + moduleB();

and moduleB defined as:

export default function() {
  return 'moduleB';

You can use clone to override the definition of moduleB that will be used from within moduleA:

import clone from 'steal-clone';

  'moduleB': {
    default: function() {
      return 'moduleBOverride';
.then(function(moduleA) {
  moduleA(); // moduleA moduleBOverride

Module Identifiers

The keys passed in the moduleOverrides object ("moduleB" in the example above) can be any valid module identifier. All of the module syntaxes supported by Steal are supported by steal-clone. If you're using ES6 modules, you can use the same value used in your import statement. Similarly, if you're using CommonJS, you can use the same value that you pass to 'require'.

You can also use relative paths to override modules based on where you are using steal-clone:

    './moduleB': ...

Module Definitions

The values passed in the moduleOverrides object define the exports for that module. In the above example, moduleB has a single default export.

If moduleB is defined like:

const name = 'moduleB';

export let getName = function() {
  return name;

export let getExcitedName = function() {
  return name + '!';

You can override both of the module's exports like this:

  'moduleB': {
    getName: function() {
      return 'moduleBOverride';
    getExcitedName: function() {
      return 'moduleBOverride!';

Dynamically imported modules

It's possible to provide overrides to modules that will be later dynamically imported. If you have a moduleC defined as:

import loader from '@loader';



You will be able to override the value of moduleB. Note that for this to work you must import @loader to use for dynamic loading instead of using steal.import. This is because @loader will refer to the cloned loader you created where as steal.loader always refers back to the global loader. Using @loader is always recommended anyways.

Use with npm

Steal-clone can be used to override dependencies from npm in the same way as any other module.

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