Watch Mode

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steal-tools includes a watch mode (using the --watch flag in the cli) in its build command (also known as continuous builds). This enables you to continuously rebuild your application as you work. This is useful if you prefer a workflow where you are debugging your application as it will appear in production.


The watch mode is part of the cli. Refer to those documentation (as well as build for the JavaScript API) for more information. In particular refer to BuildOptions for the watch flag.

Using the JavaScript API, returns a Stream:

const stealTools = require("steal-tools");

let buildStream ={}, {
  watch: true

buildStream.on('data', () => {
  console.log('A build completed!');

Using Continuous Builds

This part of the guide goes over creating a small app that automatically rebuilds using the watch mode. You can get the full source here.

To see how continuous builds work, let's set up a small example application. In your terminal create a new folder for our project:

mkdir watch-app
cd watch-app

Using npm, create a new project and install our one dependency, steal-tools:

npm init --types
npm install steal-tools http-server --save-dev

Add a main

To get something working, let's create an HTML file and our JavaScript main:


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>An app with watch mode</title>


<script src="./dist/steal.production.js"></script>

Notice here that you are using ./dist/steal.production.js as the script tag. Since this app uses the watch mode, this app will always be working out of production builds. This production steal script will include everything that is needed to load the rest of the bundles.

Next let's create our JavaScript main:


let main = document.querySelector("main");
main.textContent = "Hello world!";

Create our development scripts

Not that you have a very basic app written, update your package.json to add scripts needed to run our watch mode and HTTP servers.

  "scripts": {
    "serve": "http-server -p 8081",
    "watch": "steal-tools --watch"

To start these open two terminal windows (or tabs). In one run the HTTP server:

npm run serve

And in another, run the watch mode:

npm run watch

Now open your browser to http://localhost:8081 and you should see the Hello world! message.

Adding another module

The point of using a bundler is to enable use of modules, which we can do by adding one. This module is a very basic counter, it just updates a div on an interval. Add this module as home.js:


class Home {
  constructor() {
    this.count = 0;

  start() {
    if(!this.started) {
      this.started = true;
      setInterval(() => this.increment(), 2000);

  increment() {
    let count = ++this.count;
    let counter = this.root.querySelector("#counter");
    counter.textContent = count;

  render() {
    let root = this.root = document.createElement("div");
    root.innerHTML = `
      <div id="counter"></div>
    return root;

module.exports = Home;

Notice that this module has a render() method that when called, creates some DOM and sets up a setInterval to update it every 2 seconds.

To use this module, update your index.js:

const Home = require("./home");

let main = document.querySelector("#main");
main.appendChild(new Home().render());

Notes on use

The --watch mode is meant to be used in development, to make it possibly to quickly iterate on an application. Although it creates production-like bundles, they are not optimized for production use. For example, the bundles are not minified.

To create production bundles, check out the Progressive Loading guide.

In our example application, You could create a production build by updating your package.json scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "steal-tools optimize",
    "serve": "http-server -p 8081",
    "watch": "steal-tools --watch"

Which you can run with npm run build.

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