steal-tools build

  • function  

Call steal-tools build from the command line.

steal-tools build [--OPTION_NAME OPTION_VALUE]...


  1. OPTION_NAME {String}

    Any config or options name in build.

  2. OPTION_VALUE {String}

    The value of OPTION_NAME.


Note: The steal-tools build command-line utility calls internally. This page documents the specifics of the command-line utility. Read's documentation for how to use the build in various workflows and detailed information on the options available.

steal-tools can be installed into the command line, like:

> npm install steal-tools -g

Then you can run steal-tools build, like:

> steal-tools build --config app/config.js --main app/app

Or, you can access steal-tools in node_modules/.bin, like:

> ./node_modules/.bin/steal-tools build \
      --config app/config.js \
      --main app/app

If you are using the npm plugin you don't need to specify --config or --main:

> steal-tools

will default to package.json!npm as the config and build out to dist/.

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