• function

Returns babel full plugin name if shorthand was used or the path provided


Returns babel full plugin name if shorthand was used or the path provided


  1. name {string}

    The entry in the plugin array



Relative/absolute path to plugin or babel npm plugin name

If a babel plugin is on npm, it can be set in the plugins array using one of the following forms:

  1. full plugin name, e.g "plugins": ["babel-plugin-myPlugin"]
  2. relative/absolute path, e.g: "plugins": ["./node_modules/asdf/plugin"]
  3. using a shorthand, e.g: "plugins": ["myPlugin"]

Since plugins are loaded through steal, we need to make sure the full plugin name is passed to steal.import so the npm extension can locate the babel plugin. Relative/absolute paths should be loaded as any other module.

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