Hot Module Replacement

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This guide builds on code examples found in Quick Start.

Hot Module Replacement (or Hot Module Swapping) is a feature of StealJS (and other loaders) that allows modules to be updated in-place while the application runs, without the need to refresh the browser. In Steal, hot module replacement is handled by the live-reload module.


Responsibilities for HMR are divided between steal and steal-tools.


The HMR functionality in steal is in live-reload. This module includes several functions for dealing with reloaded modules. Also look into LiveReloadOptions which lists the options you have for live-reload such as:

  • Which port it should connect with the server (using WebSockets), liveReloadPort.
  • liveReloadAttempts, which says how many attempts it should make to reconnect to the server.


The steal-tools live-reload command is the CLI command used to launch a live-reload server. It takes a --live-reload-port flag (like the liveReloadPort config option in steal). You will need to set both of these to use a port other than 8012. See the docs there for more on what you can do with the CLI command.

Using HMR

To enable hot module replacement, first update your package.json to include live-reload as a configDependency:

  "steal": {
    "configDependencies": [

Then import the live-reload module anywhere in your application:

import "live-reload";

This tells the module to connect to the live-reload server via WebSockets. To enable the live-reload server, use steal-tools:

steal-tools live-reload

Which should show:

Live-reload server listening on port 8012

Note: To prevent having to globally install steal-tools, instead add a script to your package.json.

Next let's update the index.js file to import live-reload:

import "./styles.css";
import $ from "jquery";
import "live-reload";

$(document.body).append("<h1>Hello World!</h1>");

Now when you make a change to index.js and save it the module will reload and you should see something like this in the console:

Reloading stealjs@1.0.0#index

Back in your browser, though, you'll see that the <h1> has been appended twice, oops!

live-reload double render

This is where the live-reload API comes into play. The module exports a function that can take a callback. That callback will be called after the current module is reloaded.

We can use this API to remove the previous <h1> from the page. Update the code to be like this:

import "./styles.css";
import $ from "jquery";
import reload from "live-reload";

var h1 = $("<h1>Hello World!</h1>");

  // Since this module is re-executed, a new version
  // of the h1 will be appended, this deletes the old one.

Now you should understand the basics of hot module replacement and the live-reload API. See the detailed docs for more functions that you can use for more advanced usage.

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